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210. Falsification – How to Disprove Anything

How would you like to know for a fact : is evolution is a theory?  There is a way to prove a statement, theory, or claim is not true. Is evolution falsifiable?

Beware of false claim signScience
Can evolution be proven false?  First let us look at falsifiability by Wikipedia:

“Falsifiability or refutability of a statement, hypothesis, or theory is the inherent possibility that it can be proved false; that it is falsifiable. A statement is called falsifiable if it is possible to conceive of an observation or an argument which negates the statement in question. In this sense, falsify is synonymous with nullify, meaning to invalidate or “show to be false”.

If the theory of evolution is a scientific theory or fact, it must be capable of being proven false.  Karl Popper saw the ability to falsify a scientific theory or hypothesis as a black and white; if a theory is falsifiable, it is scientific, and if not, then it is unscientific.

So, how do we prove that a claim, theory, fact, hypothesis, etc. is false?  By simply showing something associated with the claim is false.  You know this.

Let me give you a couple examples.

  • To prove an ancient  document is not old, we test the paper, ink, writing style etc.  We simply prove an element of the document is not what it claims.
  • To prove the claim that there is no gold in Alaska, we simply start digging.   We simply prove an element of the claim is not true, such as finding gold in Alaska.
  • To prove a criminal’s alibi is not true, we test it by asking people, looking at video, etc.  We simply prove an element of the criminal’s alibi is not correct.
  • To prove Einstein’s theory on spacetime is not true, we test it by performing experiments.  We simply prove an element of the theory is not compatible with reality.

Do you get the picture?  If you have ever been a teenager, you know this.  You know that your parent’s questioning of your story is to find a hole so they can falsify it.

To prove evolution is false, either in theory or as a fact, we test it by examining its compatibility with reality and other know Laws of Science.  This is how all Laws of Science are examined.  Is the proposed theory compatible with everything we know?

So is evolution (with its chemical, stellular, and big bang evolution) compatible with the Laws of Science?

Specifically, is evolution compatible with:

  • Law of Non-Contradiction?
  • Law of Entropy?
  • Law of Conservation of Energy?
  • Law of Information?
  • Law of Conservation of Matter?
  • Law of Detour (my own personal law!)?

While there are more laws, these are the most widely known.  Now before you answer the compatibility question, remember, we are looking at evolution as a scientific claim; not as a pseudo science claim of possibility.

Could evolution have happened?  Sure, and I could have been delivered by a stork.  Rabbits can come out of hats.

To prove evolution theory or evolution fact as false, we have plenty of Laws of Science in which evolution is incompatible.  One has to be wrong because these conflicting theories cannot both be right.

That is the Law of Non-Contradiction.