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313. The End of the Universe – how it all will end.

Have you ever wondered how the universe will wind down and close out?

Since the Big Bang, the universe has been expanding outwards. However, using General Relativity, there are two futures to the universe. It all depends on Critical Density that marks the boundary. Either expansion continues or gravity pulls it all together into a big crunch.

How will it all end?

Will the universe end by …

  • Expand reaching thermal equilibrium according to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?
  • Collapse on itself with the pull of gravity from massive galaxies and black holes?

Vesto Melvin Slipher measured the speed and direction of the Andromeda Galaxy and in 1914 presented his finding that it was moving toward the milky Way galaxy. Thus implying the universe is collapsing.

Fritz Zwicky looked at galaxy clusters and after much calculations came to the conclusion that the cluster he was studying needed more mass and proposed dark matter. Thus enters Dark Matter into the discussion and Critical Density calculations.

1973 Jodrell Bank Observatory detected something; a pair of quasars. But it turns out that the two quasars were really one due to gravitational lensing as predicted by Albert Einstein. High concentrations of matter make light bend and there by seeing two of the same image. This gave rise to confirmation Zwicky’s dark matter theory.

The conclusion on how the universe will end is based on the impact of dark matter. Expansion of the universe is speeding up and what is pushing the expansion at an accelerating rate is Dark Matter.

Now that you know how it will end, have you wondered how it began? Is Evolution A Theory that is reliable and true? Go to our Start Here page and begin examining the scientific evidence on why the theory of evolution is failed.