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306. DNA and Your Dream House

Have you ever wanted to design you own house?  I am talking about a house with a kitchen and a bathroom (and of course a man cave) with all of the luxuries you want.

Now have you ever wondered how to get the house of your dreams?  Forget about money.  What would you need?

DNA Model

Basically, you  need two things.  1) An architect who would listen to your vision and put that information on a set of plans.  2) A contractor that can read plans and has the knowledge and materials to construct what is on the plans.

The result of you, the architect, and the contractor working together in perfect communication is a beautiful and wonderful house.

Did you notice what it takes to build a house?  Funny thing is that it takes the same two things to build anything: architectural plans and contractor.  Whether you are building a subdivision, the fastest jet fighter or the slowest most powerful crane, you need a plan and a contractor.

What is more interesting is that these same two things are needed for your body cells to build more body cells.  The “plan” is the DNA and the contractor is internal cell components.  I would like to address the planning part, DNA

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid ) is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.  It is the master molecule that passes on reproductive information to each successive generation.  The some reason your DNA is unique.   We could all twin clones with the same DNA.  But we are not clones and you have a complex DNA plan that your body cell uses to reproduce itself.  The set of instructions in a human cell has approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA arranged into 46 chromosomes.  From one of your cells, there is the information to duplicate you.  Genetic Engineers made Dolly and they can make an exact twin or clone of you.

DNA Model

How does this relate to Is Evolution A Theory?  Good question.

I am not an expert in biology, much less DNA.  But I do know about building things and some Physical Laws.  One of these laws is the Law of Information.   In summary Information does not just happen.  Information has to be placed by an intelligence that understands the coding and information has to have a recipient that can interpret the code and do something.

In today’s terms, a computer programmer put a code or software on my computer disk that will take my, hopefully, intelligent input,  do its magic and give out intelligent results.  An example is when I hit a “H” on a key board and an “H” appears on the screen.  Now you don’t really think the computer and its software to do this just happened by chance do you?  Of course not.

Genetic Engineers can go into DNA and change many of the characteristics of a species.  With this knowledge and science, they hope to solve many genetic diseases in the near future by turning some things “on” or “off”.  Our best genetic engineers cannot create a new species but only clone or copy an existing species.

For me, DNA is another scientific obstacle for the theory of evolution.

First, knowing the law of information, how did the genetic code, DNA, create itself?  Answer: the Law of Information says that information cannot create itself or the receptors to interpret the information.

Second, knowing that changes in the DNA of cells in animals and plants has to happen to produce a variation in the characteristics of a species, how did “natural selection” or “the strong survive” go into the DNA informational code and change the genetics of the code?  Answer: the Law of Information says that information does not change itself.

Without knowing the science behind genetic engineering, farmers have been doing genetic engineering for thousands of years.  You name it; potatoes, cattle, wheat, and my favorite, wine (make that grape).  They have obtained variations of a species but never a new species.

Is Evolution A Theory?   Not if it violates the Law of Information (and other Physical Laws) as the theory of evolution does.  If the plans or information for your dream house do not just appear on your office desk with all of its paper and ink, it is highly unlikely that a more complex plan like DNA will appear out of some ooze and chemicals.

(And don’t get me started on all of the aspects of information like constraint, control, form, meaning, understanding, perception, representation and entropy of the information!)