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401. Day 1 – Cosmic Evolution

On the First Day of Evolution matter, energy, space and time are created out of nothingness.


Is Evolution A Theory?  Can something come out of nothing?  Why is there something rather than nothing?  Was there something before the Big Bang?  Did the universe begin from nothing?  Or is the universe eternal?

        • Can mater create itself?
        • Can energy create itself?
        • Can the matter and energy necessary to form approximately 70 sextillion stars come out of nothing (not to mention the planets, comets, space dust, and moons)?


        • the Theory of Evolution
        • The Laws of Nature


  • Day-1 Theory of Evolution Position:At Space.com in their article “Great Mysteries: How Did the Universe Begin” they write: “According to the standard Big Bang model, the universe was born during a period of inflation that began about 13.7 billion years ago. Like a rapidly expanding balloon, it swelled from a size smaller than an electron to nearly its current size within a tiny fraction of a second.”   But born from what?At National Geographic.com in their article “Origins of the Universe 101they write: “A Belgian priest named Georges Lemaître first suggested the big bang theory in the 1920s, when he theorized that the universe began from a single primordial atom.”  And the primordial atom came from what?

    At Space.com in their article “The Big Bang Didn’t Need God to Start Universe, Researchers Say” they write, “Our universe could have popped into existence 13.7 billion years ago without any divine help whatsoever, researchers say.”  And what “popped” from what?

    At Live Science.com in their article “What Happened Before the Big Bang?” they write, “Thus, it’s possible that the universe at the Big Bang was teeny-tiny or infinitely large, Carroll said, because there’s no way to look back in time at the stuff we can’t even see today. All we really know is that it was very, very dense and that it very quickly got less dense.

  • If you are still wondering where the birth came from, where the primordial atom came from, or what popped, realize the Cosmologist do not know and are only speculating.

The Day-1 evolutionary process began with the Big Bang.  Webster defines Big Bang as:  “a theory in astronomy: the universe originated billions of years ago in an explosion from a single point of nearly infinite energy density.”  Wikipedia defines the Big Bang as:  “The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe from the earliest known periods through its subsequent large-scale evolution.” 

Evolution theory says that the universe “formed”, “gathered”, “expanded”, or “exploded” into existence.   Regardless of the different words, it all boils down to one of two ideas:

  1. The universe “expanded” itself out of nothing into its present expanding condition.
  2. The universe was eternal and stable, then “expanded” into its present expanding condition.

Law of Science Position:

Consider the following Laws of Nature and my summary of their application:

  • The Law of Non-Contradiction – There cannot be nothing and something at the same time, in the same place and in the same relationship.
  • The Law of Sufficient Reason – There must be enormous force, bigger than the subject matter (the universe), to get this enormous amount of universal matter moving.
  • Conservation of Matter – Mater cannot create itself.
  • Conservation of Energy – Energy cannot create itself.
  • Newton’s 1st Law – Every object will remain at rest unless acted on by an external force.
  • Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion – Mass at rest requires a force to push the mass  into any velocity.
  • Just to name a few.  See others at Laws, Theories, and Principles of Science.


 There are many Cosmologist who have come up with various answers for why we have something rather than nothing.  (See the article, The Science of Nothing.)  Regardless of what you believe there was before the Big Bang or how the expansion of the universe occurred, be intellectually honest and consider what the Laws of Nature say.

While those speculating on the beginning universe sound good and seem to be able to explain things, they are in conflict with the Laws of Nature and are NOT a scientific explanation.  These speculations violate several Laws of  Nature.

Matter and energy cannot just appear or explode out of nothing.   Matter does not just start moving without a force behind it.  Let me assist you with a practical question.  Imagine you are in a grass field with no one around and all of a sudden you are hit upside your head with a golf ball.  What happened?  How did this occur?

  • Evolution theory says the golf ball exploded into existence and expansion with velocity.  You where hit.
  • Science theory says there are forces and matter involved.  How did this matter just appear upside my head?  What force was behind the velocity of this golf ball?  Science may not find the answers but science theories must be applied to determine the cause.

So what happened?  You were out at the 350 yard mark of a golf driving range!

It is important to understand, when examining any theory, that all theories must be compatible with each other.  If not, one has to be discarded.


Our probing minds ask where did all of this stuff (life, chemicals, rocks, planets, energy, etc.) come from and how did we humans become aware of it?

People who only consider only the material world have a quandary:

  • One the one hand, they must come up with a material answer (Big Bang).  Matter and energy (the universe) exploded into existence without some outside influence.
  • On the other hand, the Laws of Nature say that matter and energy cannot create themselves nor propel themselves into an expanding universe without some outside influence.

Do you see the conflict between the Laws of Nature and the Day-1 Theory of Evolution?  Do you understand that when two scientific theories conflict one must be discarded?  Are you intellectually honest enough to admit the Laws of Nature and the Day-1 Theory of Evolution are incompatible.

If there is nothing, how did something get there?  This is the old rabbit out of the hat trick, except there is no hat or magician.


They both cannot be true.  So, Is Evolution a Theory?  It cannot be a valid theory because it is incompatible with many Laws of Nature.   The Day-1 Theory of Evolution must be discarded.