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403. Day 3 – Stellar Evolution

On the Third Day of Evolution the planets, moon, stars and black holes organized into our universe.



Is Evolution A Theory?  Can matter evolve into more complex arrangement of spherical balls swirling in a balance gravitational dance?  Could gravity be responsible for this organization?


  • the Theory of Evolution
  • The Laws of Nature


Theory of Evolution Position:

Gasses came together (condensed) to create stars, planets, asteroids, solar systems and galaxies in an ever expanding universe.

Watch this 3:28 minute video to get a video explanation on how Day 3 went.

What I want to know is the science.  Show me the evidence.  Can we set aside the speculation and religious propaganda?

Here is another video: that talks about Stellular Evolution

Clouds don’t spontaneously collapse and form starts. Nothing happens spontaneously. Things happen by reason (Law of Cause and effect). Was it gravity that cause the cloud to gather? Violates the law of gravity. Not enough mass to attract. What force began the “collapse”?

Condensing is associated with cooling and thus the gas molecules had to radiate heat away.

Hydrogen and helium are unsuitable to make heavier molecules without some outside force or power.

HF write about illogical that you need outside star to change the element but there are no outside stars to change the molecular structure from light to heavy.

Need stars to produce stars.

Astronomers see about 1 supernova star death every thirty (30) years. If the universe is billions years old and there are billions are stars, statistics would dictate more supernovas observations. After all, it is these super novas that created and exploded the heavy chemicals into the universe so that they could gather and form planets.

The purpose of this site is to stay with the laws of science that most high school students would learn by graduation.  But for the more scientifically minded, here are some other phenomena that contradict evolution.   The Poynting-Robertson Effect, combustion energy of starts, earth’s magnetic field, radiohalos, planetary rings, heat of planets, spiral galaxies, mud on the sea floor, sodium in the sea, strata are too tightly bent,  helium in rocks, bristle-cone pine trees, river beltas are too small, the receding moon, and short-term comets.

Law of Science Position:

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but may be changed from one form to another and  the total quantity of energy in the universe stays the same.

The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed but may be rearranged, into different particles or chemicals, but that the mass beginning is equal to the mass ending (mass is constant).

According to Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion, acceleration requires a force to push the expansion past its present velocity.




