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606. Law of Biogenesis


All scientific laws and theories must be compatible.  Two scientific theories that are incompatible mean that one is incorrect.

This article compares these theories:

                                    Tree of Life

  • The theory of evolution and
  • The law of biogenesis



The theory of evolution is not just about biological evolution.  It is about cosmic, chemical, stellar, organic, vertical, and horizontal evolutions.  See Summary of the Theory of Evolution here.  For this discussion, the theory of evolution is about how life comes from non-life and how new species are created.

  • How life can come out of a puddle of non-living matter or mud.
  • How a reptile can produce a bird. (See Archaeopteryx here)
  • How 8.7 billion species of fungi, protists, archaea, bacteria, plants, and animals can come about.

The law of biogenesis  states that life comes after its own kind.  In other words: living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter.


The Law of Biogenesis says that life comes after its own kind.  A chicken produces a chicken.  A whale produces a whale. Peas produce peas.  And it goes on and on based on genetic codes or Condon Table.

The Law of Biogenetics does allow for adaptation.   We know that animals adapt to their environment.  So, it is possible that a new species could evolve by way of adapting to its new environment.  Species is a Latin word meaning “kind” or “appearance” and is very specific on the Taxonomy table.  The changes in DNA for this would be minimum.

The Theory of Evolution calls for entirely new species creation.  This means that, looking at the Taxonomy chart, new classes or phylum would come about.  It says or implies that the Law of Biogenesis is basically true BUT is not totally true because anything can happen.

The theory of evolution claims that anything can happen such as:

  • Non-mammal vertebrates can produce vertebrates with mammary glands.
  • Non-vertebrates can produce vertebrates.
  • Egg laying mammals can produce live bearing offspring.
  • And the list can go on.

Think about this for a moment.  Evolution claims that A-sexual life form can produce a bi-sexual life form.  Think about the complexity of a bio-sexual life form.  Each sex has to come up with sex organs and support mechanisms that produces an offspring that has to be totally compatible with another sex so that it can fertilize the potential offspring.  Do we need to discuss the upgrade complexity from egg to womb?

When I think of this after having children and grandchildren, I am blown away as to why evolutionist believe in increasing complexity of life when one understands all of the complexity and inter and intra coordination of support units.  As simple and irrational this example is, can a dishwasher (wash and dries dishes) produce a clothes washer and a clothes dryer?


Is Evolution A Theory?  How can it be a legitimate theory when:

  • The theory of evolution it is not compatible with the Law of Biogenetics?
  • The theory of evolution has not been scientifically demonstrate in the thousands of years doing genetic engineering.

Furthermore, it seems that the theory of evolution goes one way – toward more complexity.  Are there any examples of life regressing?  Of DNA getting less complex?



The theory of evolution either implies or states that any life form can come about to produce an entirely different creature.  Example is Archaeopteryx from reptile to bird.

The law of biogenetics states that a life form can only produce a similar life form.

It seems that both theories cannot be correct as they are in conflict with one another.  One must be wrong.


How does this prove that the theory of evolution is a failed theory and should be discarded?

  • The Law of Biogenetics
  • The Theory of Evolution is rejected as it is incompatible with the Law of Biogenetics.

Mankind has tested and tested this law and pushed it to its limit.  Life only comes from life.  An apple produces an apple, not a banana.   snake produces a snake and not a finch.

The Law of Biogenesis is true and the Theory of Evolution contradicts it and thus is false.

Harry’s Engineering Logic Check:

A logic check question.  How long has mankind been doing Genetic Engineering?  Years?  Decades?  A century?  Would you believe thousands of years?

Has the  agricultural community found a “progressive mutation” in all of its years of Genetic Engineering.  Think about how long mankind has been domesticating and/or raising animals for livestock.  Growing corn, harvesting potatoes.  Rice, wheat, flowers, berries, apples, and everything you see in the grocery store.

This may not be Genetic Engineering to our standard today but Genetic Engineering is the attempt to selectively grow breed of animals and crops have been going on for thousands of years.

With all of mankind’s attempts to get something different from the given animals or plants all our experts have been able to achieve are different variations of the same species.

At no time has mankind seen a life form with more complex DNA.

Extra Credit:

Click here to read about Mendel’s Genetic Laws.

Once upon a time (1860’s), in an Austrian monastery, there lived a monk named Mendel, Gregor Mendel. Monks had a lot of time on there hands and Mendel spent his time crossing pea plants. As he did this over & over & over & over & over again, he noticed some patterns to the inheritance of traits from one set of pea plants to the next. By carefully analyzing his pea plant numbers (he was really good at mathematics), he discovered three laws of inheritance.

Mendel’s Laws are as follows:

  1. the Law of Dominance
  2. the Law of Segregation
  3. the Law of Independent Assortment