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605. Law of Information

DNA is Living Information


All scientific laws and theories must be compatible.  Two scientific theories that are incompatible mean that one is incorrect.

 DNA is Living Information

This article compares these theories:

  • The theory of evolution and
  • The law of information


The theory of evolution is not just about biological evolution.  It is about cosmic, chemical, stellar, organic, vertical, and horizontal evolutions.  See Summary of the Theory of Evolution here.  For this discussion, the theory of evolution is about how no-information or nothing evolved into an information system with coding and decoding apparatus.

The law of information states that “Information can only be created by an intelligent agent with purpose and intent.” 


I was taking an engineering structures class and had to run a STRUDL program on the Louisiana Tech University IBM 370 computer. I was putting the punch cards (that I punched) into the loader and a couple of cards slipped out of my hand. I put them back in close enough order and submitted my run for overnight processing.

The next day came and there was a problem with my run. It did not work. I went to the professor to explain that the computer program was malfunctioning.  Surely other students had similar problems and I want to know when the computer will be fixed.  He broke out laughing. 

He told me, “STRUDL does not have a bug. You cards have a bug and welcome to the Law of Information. Check your cards again.”

I checked my punch cards and found the problem. The next run was successful. I learned a very valuable lesson about 1) checking my work and 2) experiencing the Law of Information first hand.

A statement that summarizes the Law of Information is, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

Where do we see this Law at work?

We engage the Law of Information when we perform one of the following:

  1. Transfer – communicate data, information, or knowledge successfully. Direct transfer or feedback transfer.
  2. Question – information is an answer to a question or request.
  3. Communicate – information must be communicated or transferred for the information to be information. Otherwise it is useless data. (See Law of Communications.)
  4. Need – the data, information or knowledge has intent and purpose to fill a need.

Not to be confused with the Law of Communication which is about the communication process, the Law of Information is about the intent, purpose or goal of the communication. Transferring or communicating information is the entire purpose of the internet – the network, routers, computers, microwave towers, etc. But the internet is not information. Google, DuckDuckGo, Edge, etc. present the information you are looking for.

Practical examples of information:

  • Engineers produce plans to communicate the information on how the contractor will build the building.
  • Google produces an algorithm to communicate the information you are requesting and looking for.
  • Coders produce codes and encryption machines to communicate the information the commanding officers want the field to know.
  • Linguistics produce languages to communicate the information that the population need to organize civilization.

I hope you get the picture that for a need to be met, information must be generated. The information is organized in a fashion to be communicated by intelligent parties.

For the record, what makes defining the Law of Information in this article so difficult is that the concept of information theory and information systems has different meanings in different scientific fields and its use; such as information technology, computer science, physics, biology, language, and records management, just to name a few.   (Click Here if you don’t believe me.)

With the above, can you think of examples of how the Law of Information works in your life?  Below are three examples:

Kitchen Example:

For example, say your wife wants to remodel or update the kitchen. The information is what she wants, where she wants it, how she wants it, when she wants it, etc.

This information is communicated by way of plans, pictures, and contracts.

For this kitchen example, information is:

  • Created the kitchen plan by an intelligent party (wife) or the Source of Communication
  • Organized or Encoded by an intelligent party via the Law of Communications (engineer or architect with pictures and plans)
  • Read and comprehended by an intelligent party (contractor) or Decoded the intent of the Source (wife/engineer/architect).
  • The intelligent party has power to perform or act (contractor) on the Source request who can go out and buy the products.
  • The intelligent party has power to perform feedback to the wife and finish the project to that the kitchen operates.

Enigma Example:

This example comes from World War II.  Germany Commanders sent and received information to its armed forces to direct their action and get feedback on how effective the action was.

As you probably know, the Germans created an “Enigma” machine to communicate messages in unintelligible code for the Allies.  The German sender and receiver had to have the exact settings on the machines wheels for the message to be understood.  The outcome of World War II is largely attributed to code breakers at Britain’s Bletchley Park.  Click Here to read more from the History Channel on code breaking

Did you notice that it does not matter how intelligent the sender and receiver are.  It does not matter what channel or method of communicating the code.  It does not matter what code or language is used.  What matter is that code and its channel are agreed upon by intelligent parties; the sender and receiver.

Cell Example:

I am not a biologist but let me present to you the coding issue that DNA has as we ponder “is evolution a theory”. See this site for DNA information as follows: This definition of information is contained in DNA:

  1. Code = Codon,
  2. Meaning = sequence of codon’s means how proteins are formed.
  3. Expected action = cellular proteins are bio machines giving expected actions (repair, construction, function, etc.)
  4. Intended purpose = existence of life. (life comes from life – biogenesis)

Again, did you notice that it does not matter how intelligent the sender and receiver are.  It does not matter what channel or method of communicating the code.  It does not matter what code or language is used.  What matter is that code and its channel are agreed upon by the sender and receiver.

Examples of the Law of Information are all around us. As you read this website, your brain processes the shapes on this page into letters, then words, then information. When my wife talks to me, she communicates information using sound-based language. My computer works because it receives coding, process it, and then give me useful output that I can use as data or informationClick Here to read the Corollary Principles on Information


Is evolution a theory? Does evolution fit with reality and is it compatible with the Law of Information? Given that:

  • Life is fundamentally built upon information.
  • Information forms the chemical blueprint for all living organisms
  • Information governs the assembly, structure, and function at fundamentally all levels of living cells.
  • All theories must be compatible with each other.


Evolutionists argue that “life information” (DNA, RNA) arose from purposeless, unintentional, and unguided processes.

The Law of Information argues that “life information” (DNA, RNA) cannot arise from material, non-life matter.

It seems that both theories cannot be correct as they are in conflict with one another.  One must be wrong.


Is Evolution a Theory?  The Law of Information says “No” because the Theory of Evolution is incompatible with the Law of information.  Therefore the theory of evolution is null and void because both cannot be correct.

Security code,  barcode,  encryption,  language, blueprints,  HTML, Morse code, iPhone, encoding, steganography,  radio waves, DVD, etc. are all examples of coding or language information.  In addition, these codes have encoding and decoding equipment for the purpose of transferring information to address a need, purpose of goal.

In light of the above code examples, ask yourself  about internal and external life cell communication.  From transferring information for DNA construction to transferring information for hormone secretion, there are an enormous amount to life cell communication channels.  Do you believe that information transfer just appears as the theory of evolution claims?  If you do, I have failed to communication the Law of Information.

You and I must be intellectually honest and choose the most reasonable explanation.  This means I choose the Law of Information and put the Theory of Evolution back into the “hypothesis” category.  I chose to believe science and the laws and principles of science; not a fairy tale that violates the Law of Information.

Harry’s Engineering Logic Check:

I know what it takes to construct a building like the Twin Towers.  Information cannot come into existence of itself, by itself, and for itself.  Like the building plan sheets, DNA is an enormous amount of information. DNA for life has more information than the set of plans telling a builder how to build the twin towers destroyed on Sept 11, 2001. The foundation, structural, plumbing, HAV, communication, etc. plans did not just happen by chance.

Transferring information from intent to action takes a significant amount of parts working together successfully.  Think about communication examples at home and work.

Can we intellectually and honestly claim that internal and external cell communication just happened like evolutionist claim?   Think about it.  Or Click Here to read a long article about the Law of Information and its History at Evolution News.