All scientific laws and theories must be compatible. Two scientific theories that are incompatible mean that one is incorrect.
This article compares these theories:
- The theory of evolution and
- The law of conservation of matter
The theory of evolution is not just about biological evolution. It is about cosmic, chemical, stellar, organic, vertical, and horizontal evolutions. See Summary of the Theory of Evolution here. For this discussion, the theory of evolution is about how no-matter or nothing evolved into something.
The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed but may be rearranged, into different particles or chemicals, but that the mass beginning is equal to the mass ending (mass is constant).
Note: Einstein expanded on this by showing that mass can be converted into energy.
As you know, mass can be solid, liquid or gas. Matter may seem to disappear but it does not. For example:
- Exploding a whale does not disappear (Click here to read the article).
- Water may seem to disappear from you kitchen sponge but it does not.
- Sugar may seem to disappear in your hot tea but it does not.
- Old substances may seem to disappear when they make new substances but they do not disappear.
- Candles burn and the wax may seem to disappear but it does not. Chick here to see how matter changes.
At present, the best idea on how mass came about is puzzling to evolutionist. Here is an explanation from Live Science: “Initially, the universe was permeated only by energy. Some of this energy congealed into particles, which assembled into light atoms like hydrogen and helium.”
While the creation of mass is a mystery, in theoretical physics, a mass generation mechanism is a theory that describes the origin of mass from the most fundamental laws of physics. Physicists have proposed a number of models that advocate different views of the origin of mass.
Regardless of which website you go, no one knows how mass was created, forming the universe in which we live. So the question, “how did matter come into existence”, remains unanswered.
Is Evolution A Theory? How can it be a legitimate theory when:
- The theory of evolution it is not compatible with the Law of Conservation of Matter?
- The theory of evolution cannot scientifically demonstrate nor explain how matter came about.
If mass cannot be created, how was the mass of the universe created?
Do you understand that by definition, evolutionist’s universe, in its isolated system state, could NOT have created matter out of nothing?
Evolutionist’s writings state that the universe was small and primitive. If so,
- How did the small and primitive matter come into existence?
- How did the primitive matter mature into today’s massive universe?
- How did the primitive matter create massive amounts of dark matter?
It seems that both theories cannot be correct. One must be wrong.
How does this prove that the theory of evolution is a failed theory and should be discarded?
- The Law of Conservation of Matter
- The Theory of Evolution is rejected as it is incompatible with the Law of Conservation of Matter.
Simple logic.
Harry’s Engineering Logic Check:
Think of the billions of billions of spinning and rotating stars, black holes, planets, solar systems and galaxies. Ask yourself how did our nearly unimaginable and massive mechanical universe system get started? No portion of the theory of evolution can explain it.
I must be intellectually honest and choose the most reasonable explanation. This means I choose the Law of Conservation of Matter and put the Theory of Evolution back into the “hypothesis” category.