Law of Engineering – All systems must be designed and tested (or engineered) for optimized and successful operation.
The first prototype never works as revealed by the stairs on the right. Whether a small system like a mouse trap or a complex system like a space shuttle. Any designed system has inherent problems and external integration problems. Regardless of the product or system, something has to be tested or adjusted to confirm it will function as desired.
I love to watch Modern Marvels. Some episodes documents how a product, or system is a combination of historical steps of inventions or discoveries.
A mouse trap spring has to have the precise elasticity and rigidity for the right speed and effect. A space shuttle has to have the right seal or it leaks and explodes. The Concord has to have its fuel tank in a safe location or it explodes.
Copper electric house wires were getting expensive. Aluminum electric wire was used and it caused house fires. No one knew. While something may work on paper, it does not always work in the field.
Forensic Engineering is a branch of my profession and my experience that studies system failures. Why did the ladder collapse? Why did the bus catch on fire? We learn from product failure.
What I have learned is how precise a system must be designed and tested for 2 reasons. 1) It must operate on its own. 2) It must interact or be compatible with adjacent systems.
What does this have to do with Is Evolution a Theory? Simple.
If you think that animals hormone systems, optical system, digestive system, etc. just happened without a testing and adjusting, you are a consumer who wonders why things cost so much money. If you understand the necessity of testing and fine tuning a product, its operation, and its interaction or coordination with other systems, you are a realist.
Customer believe all engineering, repair, and construction task are easy, not expensive, and take little effort. Customers believe that changing out a 3-chamber reptile heart to a 4-chamber bird heart was a simple evolution process. These are the people who want to sue a repair man for changing out an alternator when the car won’t start again.
A realist knows that every part in a system is specific to that system. Any thing less is failure and another house call.
The Theory of Evolution demands a magic reality rather than engineering optimization reality. Evolution violates the Law of Engineering. For this reason, the theory of evolution is a failed theory. It does not fit reality.
No project, product replacement, repair, or system change just happens. A change in a system is a system change that requires testing, coordination, and optimization to confirm successful system operation. We demand this because human injury and death is not an option.
The only other option is evolution MAGIC.
But there is no magic in reality as revealed by the failures on this page.