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Do you want to know the answer to the question, “Is Evolution a Theory?”  Well, I have some breaking science news.  BUT…

Do you really want to know?  I mean really?   I can tell you but I would rather show you the proof?    People have been telling you to that the Theory of Evolution is a scientific theory for a long time.  Would you like for me to scientifically prove the answer to your question, “Is Evolution A Theory“?

Breaking Science News you Need to Know

This website discusses the many different Laws, Theories and Principles that prove that the Theory of Evolution is false, failed and indefensible.  Why?  Simply because it is incompatible with many laws of science and therefore must go to the wayside like many other failed theories.   Click Here to go to our Laws and Theories page to see all of the Laws of Nature that are incompatible with the Theory of Evolution.

To prove that evolution is a failed scientific theory for today (as it was a great hypothesis in Darwin’s day), let me present two (2) scenarios for your consideration and then an example from history.

Imagine this scenario #1.  Imagine you are the quarterback for your favorite team at the Superbowl.  Assume that your opponent just brought onto the field the biggest, baddest defensive end you ever seen; call him Leroy Brown (baddest defensive end in town).  You heard about Leroy from other quarterbacks.  You heard Leroy interviewed on TV, the night before the game, talk about himself being the best defensive end in the game of football.  Furthermore, he specifically talked about destroying his opponent’s quarterback; that is you.  Now, let us say that Leroy breaks through your offensive line and tackles you.  But say Leroy does not stop with a sack.  He begins to fulfill last night’s talk.  He kicks, bites, and beats you.  What should we do about Leroy’s action? Should we either: 1) change the rules and allow Leroy to continue OR 2) throw Leroy out of the Superbowl because he broke the rules of the game?  What do we do with rule breakers?

Policeman Imagine scenario #2.  Imagine you see a police cruiser following you and you notice the lights flashing.  While you are fearful of getting a ticket, you pull over.  You obey the law.  Picture the officer of the law asking you to get out of your car and put your hand on the hood.  You might think this is unusual but you obey the officer and do as told.  Now imagine the officer kicking, biting, and beating you.  What should we do about the Officer’s action? Should we either: 1) change the rules and allow Officers to perform in this manner OR 2) throw the Officer in jail because he broke the the law?  What do we do with law breakers?

In both scenario’s above, we know that everyone has to obey the laws and rules.  Police.  Defensive ends.  Everyone.    Do you think that this also applies to scientific theories like the theory of evolution?   Let us look at an example from our history books?

Spontaneous Generation Example from History:  From nearly the beginning of recorded history, people believed in the theory of spontaneous generation – that life arose from the elements.  Thinkers like Anaximander, Hippolytus, Anaxagoras, and finally the main proponent Aristotle stressed and demonstrated ways in which life could spontaneously come into being from inanimate matter like mud, slime, and earth.  One demonstration of this was that maggots would seemingly generate out of dead animal carcass.  Another demonstration was that barnacles would form on the hull of a boat.  The Theory of Spontaneous Generation was a proven fact.

However this “fact” or theory of spontaneous generation crumbled when Mr. Louis Pasteur demonstrated that maggots would not generate from meat kept in a sealed container.  Later, the microscope revealed that maggots come about by airborne microorganisms rather than spontaneous generation.  What should we do about Aristotle’s spontaneous generation theory? Should we either: 1) change the rules and allow Aristotle’s theory to remain when it is incompatible with other theories OR 2) throw the theory in the failed theory pile for being incompatible.  What do we do with incompatible laws?

Obey the Laws

Regardless of who you are, what your name is, who you brought with you or what theory you have, if you do not or cannot obey (or be compatible with) the existing rules or laws, you are removed.  Players are removed.  Officers are removed.  And believe it or not hypothesis and theories are removed.  (See TopTenZ  and Famous Scientist for examples of abandoned theories.)

The purpose of Is Evolution A Theory.com is to demonstrate why the theory of evolution should be remove from science as a “theory”.   The reason is simple and scientific: It violates, contradicts and/or is incompatible with many Laws of Science (laws of logic, laws of physics, law of biology, and others) found on our Laws, Theories and Principles webpage.

Scientific Theory: “A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation.”

Can you and I be intellectually honest?  If not, please visit another website.  If yes, then please grasp this one key idea:  Just as truth must fit reality, scientific truth must fit within the laws of science and all of its theories.  A theory must be compatible with all other theories.  In other words, a theory CANNOT conflict with any other Law of Nature.

Do you want to know the truth?

In other words, IF a scientific hypothesis does not fit or is not compatible with the existing laws of science and reality, that hypothesis must be rejected.  In the famous words of Johnny Cochran in his closing arguments in the OJ Simpson trial, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”

Science is not about “if this” or “if that happened” statements.  Science is not about speculation or magic.  Science is about being intellectually honest and accepting the best or most reasonable explanation.  Science is about rejecting any and all hypothesis and theories that are not compatible with our existing scientific knowledge.  So, Is Evolution a Theory?  Absolutely not as you can determine for yourself at this website.

What do we do with the theory of evolution?  Let us keep evolution as a religion.  Keep it as philosophy.  Keep it as a historical myth.  BUT discard the theory of evolution as science.  Why?

It is simple science.   The Theory of Evolution is not compatible with other scientific laws and theories.

Click Here to go to the many Laws and Theories that conflict with the Theory of Evolution.