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Why Do I Think the Theory of Evolution is So Accepted?

I just finished reading an article about the pursuits of man kind.   Human beings pursue four things: money, sex, power, and spiritual.

You may ask how does this relate to the question, Is Evolution a Theory?  Well, because ultimately, the theory of evolution flows back to how all of reality got here.  That is the question of “First Cause”.

What caused everything to explode?  What caused the Big Bang and how did all of the matter and energy get to the reality that we see around us.

While some of this is about Science, the world of religion has captured it and is using it to promote their religion.  Not much different from how religion captured astronomy centuries ago.

Just different time and place.  Religion has captured a portion of many different sciences.   The theory of evolution is more about religion:

A) matter and energy created themselves from a big bang  and chance followed up with organized improvement.


B) God created matter and energy from a big bang and God followed up with intelligent design.

It seems to me that Is Evolution a Theory is more about religion than about science.  Why do I think that the theory of evolution is so accepted?  It is the battle ground between two religions.

It is unfortunate that Science is the casualty.

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