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How Can I believe in God and Science?

Many people wonder how I can believe in God and Science at the same time.  Most people think that I have to choose one or the other.  This apparent quandary is brought about by the scientific community’s confusion and opinion that these two beliefs are mutually exclusive.

Using John Lennox’s idea, let me explain the way I see Science and God using the  internal combustion engine and Henry Ford.

Model A Cars
I love Science and believe in Science.  I believe in thermodynamics of the internal combustion engine; in electricity of the brake lights; in structural engineering of the frame system; in economic principles of supply and demand; in mechanical engineering of the drive transfer system.   And I could go on but you get the picture.  I believe in Science.

I also believe in Henry Ford.  I believe he created the assembly line that put all of the science together so that the car was created in an affordable manner for the common people.

Science explains reality via experiments, theories, laws, etc.  The assembly of the creation (car or universe) is different with all of its organization, coordination, fore thought, etc.  I do not have to choose Science OR God.

I choose Science and Henry Ford.  I choose Science and God.

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