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Evidence of Big Bang theory is complicated by space dust.

Astronomers are probing space to determine if they can find more evidence about the big bang.  Specifically, how fast the “explosion” or “expansion” occured.
History Big Bang

In UPI/Science News comes an article about cosmic space dust and its impact on the speed of the big bang rapid expansion.  It says:

ORSAY, France, Jan. 31 (UPI) — Scientists have countered a controversial 2014 study that claimed to find evidence of the rapid expansion of the early universe, upending what was considered the best evidence of the Big Bang theory.  Scientists working with the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite, which observes the Cosmic Microwave Background, said the apparent gravitational waves that were thought to be caused by cosmic inflation were instead space dust.  Click here to read the UPI Science News article.

If you want detailed information about the signature of cosmic inflation, below is a quote from  an article by European Space Agency:

But astronomers are still digging ever deeper in the hope of exploring even further back in time: they are searching for a particular signature of cosmic ‘inflation’ – a very brief accelerated expansion that, according to current theory, the Universe experienced when it was only the tiniest fraction of a second old.   Click here to read the ESA article.

When I talk to evolutionist about the big bang, they think that it is proof of evolution.  The big bang is not proof of evolution.  It is the begining of the universe which is supported by much evidence.  In simple words, the big bang is “day one” of two different creation stories.

  1. Story #1 claims that the universe created itself  in a rapid expansion/explosion on the first day from nothing.
  2. Story #2 claims that a supernatural intelligent being created the universe in a rapid expansion on the first day from nothing.

Did you notice that both stories propose a rapid expansion of creation on the 1st day or era and other things such as chemicals, life, etc.  happened on later days or eras in time?

Interesting how neither story teller can prove how it happened or what force made it happen, but both agree that it happened.

So how did it happen?  This is the question that Is Evolution a Theory.com answers.  There are two options.  Which one do you think?

  • Did something come out of nothing, kind of like a rabbit came out of a hat?  (Materialism)
  • Did something come from a supernatural being that we cannot see or measure, kind of like love, duty, and beauty that we cannot measure? (Theism)

The fact is that neither claim is scientific since neither magic nor God can be identified or measured.  However, something like the universe with all of its energy and mater, with its space and time coming out of nothing is scientifically absurd as this claim violates several scientific laws.  Explore this site to find out which ones.

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