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When, Where, How, What and Why Did Russian Plane Crash

When I took a journalism course I learned the famous 5 questions that must be answered in any news article.  When?  Where?  How?  What?  Why?

The resent Russian plane crash as reported below in a CNN news article reminds me of these questions.  (Click here to read the entire article.)

“ISIS’ affiliate in Egypt says it brought down Metrojet Flight 9268. And U.S. officials are more confident that terrorists bombed the Russian plane, killing all 224 people aboard.”

russian plane crash

Now let us go through the questions:

  • We know WHEN the Russian plane crashed (Oct 31, 2015).
  • We know WHERE  it crashed (in the Sinai, Egypt on its way to St Petersburg, Russia).
  • We know HOW it crashed (the debris field indicates a mid air break up).
  • We know WHAT happened (the Russian plane fell from the air killing 224 passenger),
  • But WHY?  That is the question that everyone is focused on.

Now, according to BBC (read entire article here), we think we know WHY the Russian plane crashed:

“But five days on from the crash, which killed all 224 people on board shortly after take-off from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, David Cameron has said it is “more likely than not a terrorist bomb” brought down the plane, and the UK has grounded flights from the resort.”

The fact is that we need to know WHY things happen.  We ask our children WHY.  We ask our spouses WHY?  We want to know the reason behind something.  We ask school shooters WHY?   While we may not feel better, knowing WHY brings closure.

But do we ask Evolutionist WHY?  I do.  All scientific inquires ask WHY.

WHY did something come out of nothing?  WHY did the big bang explode / expand?  WHY are we aware of ourselves?  WHY is the universe, the Earth, my house, and me here?  WHY?  WHY is an important question that needs an answer?


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