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Motherless babies possible as scientists create live offspring!

I was looking through some science news and saw this headline from The Telegraph: “Motherless babies possible as scientists create live offspring without need for female egg.”  Read article here.   Now this caught my eye.

milky way sky road

My Biology class taught that when a sperm and egg meet they form a full genetic quota, with half our DNA coming from our mother and half from our father.  This is the way offspring comes about.  Babies have mothers.

The article went on to write, “But now scientists have shown embryos could be created from cells which carry all their chromosomes which means that, in theory, any cell in the human body could be fertilised by a sperm.”

Right, wrong, moral or immoral, you decide.  Will we soon have GMC (genetically modified children)?  Does this prove evolution is true?  Is Evolution A Theory?.  What I want to point out is that Dr Tony Perry, a molecular embryologist and senior author of the study manipulated the fertilization process.  More specifically, what this work did was address the reprogramming at these early steps of development that are relevant to fertilisation.

The fact is that they still used existing cells, DNA and a woman would still need to act as a surrogate to carry the baby.  Dr. Perry and the University of Bath research team did NOT and  could NOT go deeper than the irreducibly complex living cell

So what does this have to do with Is Evolution A Theory website?  Evolution cannot be a Theory because it violates many Laws of Nature and cannot model or explain a cell’s evolution.  Evolutionist have evolution Hypothesis; NOT Evolution Theory

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