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Monsanto To Pay Former Groundskeeper by Court Order

Is Evolution A Theory is much easier question to resolve than did Mr. Dewayne Johnson get cancer from using Monsanto’s herbicide.

According to CNN, “So they awarded him $289 million in damages — mostly to punish the agricultural company Monsanto.”  Click Here to read the CNN article. 

From this article by San Francisco CBS affiliate, Mr. Kennedy, Jr., was one of the lawyers who represented the Mr. Johnson, said  “This jury found Monsanto acted with malice and oppression because they knew what they were doing was wrong and doing it with reckless disregard for human life.”  Click Here to read the CBS article.

On the other hand and from Yahoo article, Mr. Scott Partridge, a Monsanto vice president, stated, “…does not change the fact that more than 800 scientific studies and reviews… support the fact that glyphosate does not cause cancer, and did not cause Mr Johnson’s cancer.”  Click Here to read the article.

It is a historical fact that Mr. Johnson worked with glyphosate and was exposed.   There are scientific facts included in the over 800 scientific studies.  The legal debate is over the interpretation of the historical and scientific facts.

Much like the debate over the theory of evolution, there are historical and scientific facts.  The debate is a legal debate where historical and scientific evidence is presented.  From that debate a reasonable person should be able to come to a intellectually honest conclusion.  Except for one thing….

There is no debate because the Theory of Evolution is incompatible with many Laws of Nature and thus should be discarded.  Click Here to read about this claim.





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