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Suspect arrested after 7 shot at Muncie party near Ball State campus

Image result for treeOn Saturday, May 18 just after midnight a shooting took place in Muncie, Indiana.  USAToday.com reports the following:  “A 19-year-old has been arrested in connection with an overnight shooting at a party near  Ball State University that left seven people wounded, three of them critically injured.”

Image result for playerAccording to the Star Press article:  “The shootings “started from a confrontation at the party,” Winkle said.

A quote from Muncie’s mayor, Dennis Tyler as stated in the USA Today article: “Our law enforcement will do a thorough investigation and hopefully justice will be served for the victims.”

This incident is very sad and occurs all to often in our USA society.  Each time I read about a shooting I ask a few questions as it relates to the theory of evolution and is evolution a theory:

  • Is this shooting evil?
  • Is this shooting good?
  • Who can judge if it is evil or good?
  • Did human’s progression by natural selection cause this?
  • Are there confrontations like this in nature?
  • How does Muncie’s mayor Dennis Tyler define “justice”?

While there is no comparison between this incident and sporting events, there does seem to be one common ground – Judgement. What is good and what is bad.  If it is a hit on the basketball court or a spin in ice skating.  Competitors, spectators, judges and our sport commentators are judging good and bad from some apparent book or standard.

  • Is there a judgment book for moral actions?
  • Why are we looking for justice if there is no standard?
  • Why can animals steal food, shelter, and mates in the wild world and I cannot?
  • Why is stealing and fighting for a mate called natural selection and called wrong for me?

It seems that humans are different for some reason, like it or not we are not part of natural selection.  There is a moral standard embedded in humans that is not embedded in the animal kingdom.

What happened?  Some one gave humans a moral code to live by.  Who and why?  Why wasn’t natural selection and the dominance of the strong good enough?

For what ever reason, the theory of evolution cannot answer any of my questions, your questions, or the Mayor’s desire for justice; nor the basic question of how did humans obtain the moral code.  When the theory of evolution can answer the moral question, it will have a complete theory.

At this time the theory of evolution is incompatible with human reality and must be discarded.


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