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The universe is expanding faster than scientists thought.

W. M. Keck Observatory reports, “Therein lies the crisis in cosmology,” says Fassnacht. “While the Hubble Constant is constant everywhere in space at a given time, it is not constant in time.” in their article entitled, “A Crisis In Cosmology“.

A Crisis In Cosmology reports, “The team’s results add to growing evidence that there is a problem with the standard model of cosmology, which shows the universe was expanding very fast early in its history, then the expansion slowed down due to the gravitational pull of dark matter, and now the expansion is speeding up again due to dark energy, a mysterious force.” 

How can it be that the universe is expanding? No one knows but Cosmologist continue to claime that the universe exploded out of nothing. And this claim is the most puzzling. How can the universe with all of its matter, energy, dark matter and dark energy come out of, explode from, or expand from “nothing”?

The Big Bang Theory is:

  • Illogical – something coming out of nothing?
  • Violates the law of Non-Contradiction – something is nothing and then something at the same time.
  • Violates the laws of conservation – energy and matter must stay constant.
  • just to name the most prominent problems.

Is Evolution A Theory? It cannot be a theory because every explanation within it contradicts known laws of nature.

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