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2019 – banner year for credible UFO sightings

Are UFOs real?  Do you believe in UFOs?  Well, the US Government does.  Steven Greenstreet, a reporter for the New York Post, just released Video #1 A Threat to Homeland as reported by Paula Froelich in her article at the NY Post entitled “2019 was banner year for credible UFO sightings.

Image from US Government video

This 24 minute video was educational and convincing that UFOs are real but remain unexplainable.  The article is quoted,

Once thought to be fictional works used to sell tabloids, 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens and strange phenomenon — including reports (complete with video) from verifiably sane sources.

Another quote from the article is a surprising admission from the Pentagon as follows,

In May, the Pentagon admitted it investigates UFOs soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises in 2004 and 2015.

If you watch the video on the website, you will come away with the question, “Is there a new physics revealed by the speed and maneuverability of UFOs?”

UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) or unidentified aerial phenomena, I don’t know.  But certainly there are many trained observers who have seen something that demonstrate speed and maneuverability beyond our experience.

Surely, some day scientist will be able to explain the UFO phenomena that we see today.  Until then we are left with the Laws of Nature as we see and experience them every day in our existing world.

And this is the problem with the theory of evolution…  Is Evolution A Theory?  As you know, the Laws of Nature are a group of laws in different fields of science that explain and predict the material world as we experience its reality. 

The fact is that all of these laws are compatible with each other as they interact, if they interact.  Should any of these laws demonstrate non-compatibility, one of them is discarded.  Total compatibility between law of nature is a given.

Beware of claims that contradict the Laws of Nature.

Unfortunately, for many evolutionist and materialist, the theory of evolution is not compatible with many Laws of Nature.  Is Evolution A Theory demonstrates many of these conflict. 

The conclusion to the question, “are UFOs real?” is unanswered and remains a mystery.

The conclusion to the question, “is evolution a theory?” is answered by its lack of compatibility and down right conflict with may laws of nature.  Evolution cannot be a theory simply because it is not compatible with other laws.

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