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Is the COVID Vaccine by Moderna Safe?

Probably one of the most emotional debates going on now is over the COVID vaccines. Are the vaccines safe? The debate revolves around this question: could the vaccine hurt people by changing their DNA?

According to APNews in their article entitled, “Prosecutor: Wisconsin pharmacist thought vaccine was unsafe.” The article states, “A Wisconsin pharmacist convinced the world was “crashing down” told police he tried to ruin hundreds of doses of coronavirus vaccine because he believed the shots would mutate people’s DNA.”

Do people trust the COVID 19 vaccine?

Why does this pharmacist and so many people have so much concern over the COVID vaccines? It seems for two reasons:

1) This vaccine uses new genetic technology – The article states, “The Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine as well as the Moderna vaccine rely on messenger RNA or mRNA, which is a fairly new technology used in vaccines that experts have been working on for years.” 

2) This vaccine was submitted to FDA for emergency use; by-passing normal channels of trials and test. According to CNBC.com : “A key Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted 17 to 4 with one member abstaining on Thursday to recommend the approval of Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use.”

The article goes on and states, “Misinformation around the COVID-19 vaccines has surged online with false claims circulating on everything from the vaccines’ ingredients to its possible side effects.”

As I think about the lack of trust and misinformation around the COVID vaccine, I cannot help but think about the evolution debate, I see similar issues in and about how evolution scientist have destroyed trust in science. If you are wondering what I am referring to, please explore Is Evolution A Theory to get plenty of details.

Cell Diagram

But let me just hit one Law of Science that is incompatible with the theory of evolution which means that one of these are false.

The Law of Information. This law is evident in all of our dealings. From WWII codes (history) to you texting someone; and even this website. Information is about 1) your intent and using a code, 2) the code itself, and 3) breaking the code and understanding the sender’s intent. The entire DNA is a code that directs the body to develop in such a way as to create and maintain a biological system of life.

Evolutionary scientist claim that life came from primordial soup. Primordial soup cannot create information (encode, code and decode).

This Law of Information and many other laws are discussed through out Is Evolution A Theory. Explore this website and discovered how scientist have mislead us and undermined our trust in science.

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