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Rescue Efforts Halted at Condo Collapse Site Over Safety Concerns

Are you aware of a condo collapse in Surfside, Florida? A very sad and unfortunate life/death event that demonstrates our reliance on the Laws of Nature. People bought a condo relying on the engineers and architects to know their profession and the laws of nature so that the building will not collapse and kill them.

Condo Collapse in Surfside, Florida

AP News reports in their article entitled, Safety concerns halt rescue efforts at condo collapse site that “Rescue efforts at the site of a partially collapsed Florida condominium building were halted Thursday out of concern about the stability of the remaining structure after crews noticed widening cracks and up to a foot of movement in a large column, officials said.

So how does this relate to Is Evolution A Theory? Simply that we rely on the laws of nature not changing. We even bet our lives on the fact that the laws of nature will not change. So, what happened? Did any of the laws of nature change?

Well, we can assume that the laws of nature did not change because they have been operating the same since we have been observing them. And the Law of Uniformity says that the laws of nature have been uniform for all of time. So why did the south tower fall? No one knows now; BUT, forensic engineers will analysis the evidence and come to an explanation. Give them some time.

As far as Is Evolution A Theory, it cannot be a theory because the theory of evolution must comply with and is in conflict with many of the laws of nature. This condo collapsed obeyed the laws of nature and so must the theory of evolution. Go to our Start Here page and begin examining the scientific evidence on why the theory of evolution is failed.

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