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Is it fair to keep trans swimmer Lia Thomas from competing in NCAA Championships

In an article by Local 12 entitled, “New rules may keep trans swimmer Lia Thomas from competing in NCAA Championships” I ask you, is it fair? The article states:

Lia Thomas, 22, has already sparked a nationwide conversation about fairness in women’s sports after she repeatedly dominated meets. She was born biologically male, and competed for her college’s men’s team before transitioning.

Swimmers competing.

While the national conversation has not resolved the issue, only the NCAA can and has resolved it as documented in NBC News article entitled, “Trans swimmer Lia Thomas poised to compete in NCAA championships“. But the question remains, “Is it fair?”

How is she doing now that NCAA has alowed her to complete? Below is a quote from The Washing Times article, “Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas smashes women’s records, stokes outrage

Collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas is shattering women’s swimming records this season, and critics say There’s a reason: She used to be a man.

I resolve the question using physics. Does Lia have a man’s body. What are the facts? The body was a male with male mass and male puberty. Many believe that hormone treatments do not neutralize the inherent advantages that come with being born and developing as a male. How can it?

The same question and answer about Lia and is the same question and answer about the theory of evolution, Is Evolution A Theory? Look at the physics. How can 200 sextillion stars [200 billion trillion](according to How many stars are there in space?), come out of one big bang explosion? Not to mention planets, gases, and dark matter.

Don’t believe me, go to our Start Here page and begin examining the scientific evidence on why the theory of evolution is failed and should be rejected as a scientific theory.

Is Evolution A Theory? No, it is NOT a valid scientific theory because it is not compatible with many Laws of Nature.

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