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Florida Department of Health accuses CDC of altering state’s COVID-19 deaths

by HARRY on AUGUST 13, 2021

The Gazette just published an article entitled, “Florida Department of Health accuses CDC of altering state’s COVID-19 deaths“. The article states:

The Florida Department of Health accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday of wrongly deleting roughly 20,000 Florida deaths from its nationwide COVID Data Tracker.

It goes on and states:

The CDC removed 72,277 deaths last Wednesday from its nationwide tracker after discovering what it called a “coding logic error” that had mistakenly counted deaths from 26 states that were not COVID-19-related. The removal caused all-time reported childhood deaths from the virus to drop nearly 24% in the tracker.

I am not a person who thinks that we “can’t trust the Government”. But if we are honest, we must admit that this COVID thing has gotten out of the medical arena and into the politics arena. COVID has become politicized by both parties. And when politics is involved, inflation occurs to promote “their” side. Here is an example of someone getting caught inflating the numbers.

Beware of false claims.

Beware of false claims by motivated politicians.

The article entitled, “Florida accuses CDC of inflating COVID numbers in apparent CDC mistake” states the following:

“In a move that reignited calls for Florida to resume daily COVID-19 reports, state health officials on Tuesday accused the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of inflating the number of new coronavirus infections Florida tallied over the weekend.

I imagine you are asking, “What does this have to do with Is Evolution A Theory“?

The theory of evolution has become politicized also. Now, you may think this is not true but prominent people have be fired or release from their jobs because of their anti-evolution stance.

So, do you believe in the theory of evolution or science? I hope you answered “Science”! That is good. If you are on the side of science then you are correct. You must know:

  1. Many of the Laws of Nature (Click here to view them).
  2. No Law of Nature can conflict with another Law of Nature (Law of Non-Contradiction).

From this and visiting this website, you should know that the Theory of Evolution is in direct conflict with several Laws of Nature. Therefore, you can scientifically conclude that the theory of evolution is a failed theory because it is not compatible with the Laws of Nature.

Is Evolution A Theory? It cannot be because it is incompatible with the Laws of Nature. Go to our Start Here page and begin examining the scientific evidence on why the theory of evolution is failed.

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