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We know some facts about the Brooklyn subway shooting

A tragic shooting occurred approximately 8:30 AM Tuesday April 12 on a Brooklyn subway. And now, April 15, 3 days later, police have a lot of information. According to CNN‘s article entitled, “What we know about the Brooklyn subway shooting” an enormous amount of information has been gathered and the alleged has been arrested without bail. We know these facts:

  • The suspect in the shooting, Frank James, 62, was arrested.
Emergency vehicles at the subway shooting scene.
  • investigators zeroed in on a credit card and keys to a U-Haul van found at the scene.
  • The van was rented by James who slept in it the night before.
  • Authorities were able to make several connections to James based on the evidence found at the scene.
  • Authorities determined that the handgun was purchased by James in Ohio in 2011.
  • Investigators connected the purchase of a gas mask to James through an eBay account.
  • Authorities searched a storage unit and apartment connected to James and found ammunition, a taser, a smoke canister and an empty magazine for a Glock handgun, among other things.

So with all of these facts and you were on a Grand Jury, would you accept the theory that James performed the deed and indite him for the crimes associated?

I would hope so since the inditement is not about guilt or innocence but that he really looks like he did it and let’s have a fair trial.

So moving on to Is Evolution A Theory? This question is answered all over the internet with a resounding “yes”. But the fact is that the Laws of Nature differ. People think they have the facts but all they have really done is repeat what authorities have said because they are relying on authorities to tell them what to think and believe. Rightly so because we don’t have time to investigate every thing authorities tell us.

I am here to disagree with what the authorities taught you about evolution. But I am not going to state my opinion. I am going to state the facts; referencing the Laws of Nature.

So, do you believe in the theory of evolution or science? I hope you answered “Science”! That is good. If you are on the side of science then you are correct. You must know:

  1. Many of the Laws of Nature (Click here to view them).
  2. No Law of Nature (or theory) can conflict with another Law of Nature (or theory) (Law of Non-Contradiction).

From this and visiting this website, you should know that the Theory of Evolution is in direct conflict with several Laws of Nature. Therefore, you can scientifically conclude that the theory of evolution is a failed theory because it is not compatible with the Laws of Nature.

Is Evolution A Theory? It cannot be because it is incompatible with many of the Laws of Nature. Go to our Start Here page and begin examining the scientific evidence on why the theory of evolution is failed.

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