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109. Science vs. Scientism

Can Science answer all of your questions? You would sure think so with all of the “talking heads” saying, “Follow the science.” Is science THE guide to knowledge?

Science is a tool in our exploration of reality.

First, no one should deny that science exist and that it has been essential to the development of civilization. You and I rely on science everyday; from waking up with the alarm clock to finishing our day with a hot meal.

But it seems to me that too many people are putting their belief and faith in science to answer all of their question during this time of COVID. This belief is defined as “Scientism”.

Science is a tool to determine what the cause is for an effect that we observe. With the scientific method researchers can explore the wonders of the universe and explain most any effect using the scientific method.

But science and scientism are two different things. Scientism claims to be the only philosophy that can speak for anything scientific. But science is not a philosophy nor is it able to explain historic events, it is a tool to explore the operation of the universe.

An example of scientism is the theory of evolution. Is Evolution A Theory or a fact or not either? For me, science is answering the question about cause without speculation. For example, evolutionist could say we don’t know how life came from non-life. This is science.

Scientism is claiming that life came from non-life as a fact of science. The fact is that non-life has little to no information in it. And life is loaded with information and codes. The theory of evolution is in direct conflict with the Law of Information.

The lack of or failure to address this lack of compatibility is found in scientism and not in science.

Facing the fact that science cannot answer beginning question is not a failure of science or the scientific method. It is the establishment of a religion called Scientism.

Science cannot answer many question about love, laughing, purpose, beauty, evil, and so much more. Science cannot address the big questions about God and religion.

In humans pursuit of truth, there is science, philosophy and religion. Each has its boundary and scientism has gone too far. Scientism needs something science cannot explain – humility.