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311. The Big Lie – If Cosmologists Repeat “Big Bang From Nothing” Long Enough, You Will Believe It.

Am I accusing evolutionist of lying about the big bang?  Well, not all evolutionist; only those evolutionist scientists, cosmologist, and materialist who believed humans evolved from the big bang – out of nothing.  Specifically,  “out of nothing” is the lie that Is Evolution A Theory wants to examine.

First, let us define A) the big lie and B) the big bang for clarification so that I can make my claim clear.

How a lie becomes truth.

A) Big Lie – Have you ever heard about the “Big Lie”?    The Big Lie is defined at Wikipedia as follows in their article entitled “Big Lie“:

big lie is a propaganda technique and logical trick (fallacy). The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously“.

Let me quote an article from Science Direct   in their article entitled “Frequency and the conference of referential validity“.

Frequency of occurrence is apparently a criterion used to establish the referential validity of plausible statements.

How a lie becomes truth.

In other words, this article scientifically verifies these two statements:

A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”  Vladimir Lenin

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”  Joseph Goebbels.

B) The Big Bang – It certainly appears that some type of Big Bang did occur scientifically because we observe a broad range of phenomena that include: 1) the abundance of light elements, 2) the cosmic microwave background (CMB), 3) a large-scale universe and 4) Hubble’s law (the farther away galaxies are, the faster they are moving away from Earth).

I do question the Big Bang theory as a cosmological model for the observable universe from the earliest known period of “nothingness”. See my article entitled, What is the Big Bang for more details on the Big Bang.

The Big Bang

My point is that the big bang exploded, expanded, or happened out of nothing is illogical.  Even more, it violates several Laws of Nature. It seems that this lie has been repeated so often that science has come to believe it.

Let me quote an article from Discover Magazine in their article entitled, “What Came Before the Big Bang?” where the Steve Nadis, the author, discusses cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin thoughts. Vilenkin’s claim that the universe came from nothing is common.

But now Vilenkin says he has convincing evidence in hand: The universe had a distinct beginning — though he can’t pinpoint the time. After 35 years of looking backward, he says, he’s found that before our universe there was nothing, nothing at all, not even time itself.

My claim:   “If Cosmologist tell us that the universe exploded out of nothing by way of the Big Bang enough and keep repeating it enough, people will eventually come to believe it.” 

My ObservationThe universe exploding, expanding, or happening out of “nothing” is a big lie.  How do I know this?  Let’s examine the ways this could happen with logic and science.

  • Mass, energy, time and space created itself from nothing.   How does something create itself?   “It” is either nothing or something.   This is a violation of the Law of Excluded Middle.
  • Mass, energy, time and space appeared out of nothing.  What force made it appear?  This is a violation of Newton’s First Law of Mechanics.
  • Mass, energy, time and space expand from nothing. What reason would these four “things” expand from nothing if there is nothing? This violates the Law of Sufficient Reason.
  • Mass and energy created themselves from nothing. Mass and energy have power of creation?  This is a violation of the Laws of Conservation (Energy and Matter).
  • Mass, energy, time and space expand from nothing by way of  quantum fluctuations .  How can a quantum fluctuate when there is no quantum to fluctuate nor any time or location to fluctuate?  This violates the Law of Non-Contradiction
  • Little bubbles of space and time can form spontaneously. Time and space from no time and no space?  Can bubbles of time and space form when there is no time or space location?  This violates the Law of Non-Contradiction

Scientists are still left with the questions such as:

  • What caused the big bang?
  • Where did all of this stuff come from?

Is Evolution A Theory?  How can science have a theory that cannot answer basic questions and have so many contradictions with other laws of nature? 

While the theory of evolution can claim to be a hypothesis that is being examined and worked on, the theory of evolution cannot claim to be a scientific theory.  Why? It is incompatible with so many Laws of Nature.