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204. The Difference Between Two Buildings

As I look out my office window I see the 22-story Capital Building that serves the Senate and House of Florida Government (the first picture).  While there are buildings much taller and more complex in the world, the Capital Building is the taller of the two I have to look at.

Florida Capital Building
I have often pondered the difference between that complex high rise and me.  As I ponder the question, Is Evolution A Theory, I am puzzled how a person who goes in this building or had anything to do with believes in evolution.  It seems that it comes down to the filters that we see things.  So let me tell you about my filter and how I see the difference between two buildings.

  • Both the capital and I have an outside covering that protects us from the wind and snow (yes snow, once every 20-years plus or minus).   Marble and glass vs. skin.
  • Both the capital and I have a structure to keep us erect.  Steel frame vs. bone and muscle.
  • Both the capital and I have water coming in and going out.  Need I say more?
  • Both the capital and I have a heating and cooling system.
  • Both the capital and I have energy coming in.  Electric energy vs. food.
  • Both the capital and I have thinking inside.  Come on, give the Governor and his staff some credit.
  • Both the capital and I have ventilation.  Outside air intake vs. lungs.
  • Bother the capital and I have….

Do you get the picture?

I know that engineers, architects, contractors, and a huge number of experts come together to intelligently plan, finance, design, and construct this building.   I know that this building did not just happen.  It was created through intelligent design.

Turlington Building
Your house, much simpler than the capital, did not just happen.  It did not just come out of a wind storm bring sand (glass), timber, metal (pipe and wire), and hydrocarbons (asphalt shingles and PVC pipe) into one organized product in one precise location.

How can we seriously and intellectually present the hypothesis that my body just evolved out of rock or inert matter if we do not see it in nature?

If you believe in evolution you would say something like, it’s different.

You are right, it is different.  While I have shown you the similarity, there is more to the story.   It is the differences that make evolutionist claim more unreasonable and illogical.  You see one of these buildings (the capital vs. me) is much more complex than the other.  One of the buildings has self-diagnosis, growth, healing, and reproduction ability.

Is Evolution a Theory?  Is it intuitively logical and reasonable to claim that one very complex self-repair and reproductive capability building (me) came about by chance, out of nothing from a big bang that exploded from nothing while the other less complex building (the capital) came about from hundreds of experts that obtained knowledge over centuries of experience?

I believe in intelligent design because I see intelligent design in a tall and complex building that is not as complex as me.  My filters are logic and reasoning.

What is really ironic to me is that the Florida State Educators in the 2nd tallest building in Tallahassee, the 19-story Turlington Building (2nd picture), are presenting evolution as a fact while fighting against presenting intelligent design as an alternate creation story, live and breathe in a less complex structure that did not evolve and was intelligently designed.

Is Evolution A Theory?  Go figure.