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Is Evolution A Theory? First, What Is Your World View?

If you tell me your world view, then I will know your answer to the question, “Is evolution a theory”.

You can read more about the definition to worldview here but basically, it is the filter through which you see the world and answer the questions that we all ask ourselves.

I know this because before going into an Engineering University, I did not believe in God.  How could there be a God with all of the terrible condition this world was in?  Starving children?  Families without clean water?  Oppressive governments?

World View
But what if I was wrong and there was a God?

If there was a God, he was not “love”.  If there was a loving god, there would be more love, less hatred, and an all-around better place.

If there was a God, he was not “powerful”.   If there was a powerful god, the good guys would win, hurricanes and tornado would not do much damage, etc.

Do you get the picture?  A non-loving or non-powerful God is not much of a God.

As I studied Engineering, I started asking some question such as:

  • Why is there something rather than nothing?  With all of the Laws of Physics, Thermodynamics, etc. that I am learning.  How did all of this get here and working so well?
  • How do we explain human nature?  Like why am I happy to “joy ride” in someone else’s car, and angry when anyone “joy rides” in my car?
  • How do you determine what is right or wrong?  As I sat in jail waiting to be bonded out, I wanted to know why the weak controlled the strong?  Who has the right to draft me to Vietnam to kill someone with a high powered rifle and then tell me I am too immature to have a beer?
  • What happens to a person at death?   My grandfather died in a city 25 minutes up the road while I was in college.  What happened to this cool man?
  • Why am I here on this earth?   Engineering was difficult and do I really want to continue?   Do I have a purpose?

And many more questions.

As an atheist going off to college, I liked my world view.  I liked the theory of evolution – I was a lion in the jungle and took what I wanted.  I liked abortion – mate when I wanted.  I liked no God – lie when I wanted.  I liked no morals – who said cheating on an examine is wrong?

But as I studied engineering, I realized my world view did not fit reality.  Something was wrong with the filter I was using to see the world.

I came out of Engineering University with a different filter; a different world view.  A major reason for this change was the Laws of Nature (physics, computer science, biology, chemistry, thermodynamic, etc. – or what we call reality) was not fitting with the ENTIRE theory of evolution from the first cause beginning to the present day.

Get the picture on worldview?  If you have rose color glasses on then everything looks rose.

So, may I propose that if you do not agree with me, you have a filter or worldview that is not allowing you to see the truth to the question, is evolution a theory.  Take off your glasses and look at reality.  Take an intellectual honest look at the theory of evolution.

I am not saying I have a handle on truth about evolution and know everything.  Shoot, I may even be wrong.  But, at this time and with the knowledge we have, I am saying that at least the Laws of Nature fit my worldview.

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