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My Longing for Truth and the Theory of Evolution

I long for the day when the American public square will be a place of passionate and reasonable discussion.   I long for the day when debates resemble the Greek Agora rather than the Roman Coliseum.

I like a quote by Euripides: “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power.”  It is the thirst for political power that has threatened scientific research and the question, is evolution a theory.
bear on ice berg

I have read that religion is a threat to science.  This has certainly been the case in the past.  However, I think that evolutionary science, with its influence, supremacy, and thirst for power in the scientific community and education system is a more serious threat to science than most religions.

Science use to be neutral as it pursued a quest for knowledge.  Religion use to be bias.  Today, things have reversed.  Evolutionary science is bias and discriminatory as it struggles over institutional power and religion rather than scientific discovery and truth about evolution.  Academic entitlement in evolutionary science is above research, truth, and sacrifice as the power brokers in science sing the marching orders and the organizations follow.

It is not fair or helpful to single out and mock anyone on either side of the evolution/creation debate because they think they have the truth.  The fact is that everyone who has a belief on this subject (or any other subject for that matter) thinks they have the truth; or they would not believe it.  By definition, each of our beliefs is narrow and we are prejudice against other views that contradict with ours.  Calling anyone narrow, intolerant, dangerous, arrogant, etc. gets in the way of productive conversation and pursuit of truth.

Are you interested in truth?  What is the truth about evolution?  Do you long for the truth about evolution as I do?  Do you long for an open debate Public debate on the issues rather a presentation of religious beliefs?

Is Evolution a Theory?  Yes.  Of course it is because the scientific power brokers are safe with their careers, grants, research, books and retirement.  Science is sacrificed on the altar of religion, security, and power.

Is Evolution a Theory?  No.  The fact is that any theory in science cannot exist with incompatible conflict with other laws and theories of science.  By definition evolution is NOT a theory.

If the open public debate over evolution was scientific, it would use facts, reality, and the laws of nature.  We would know the truth.  But this debate is NOT to pursue truth but to promote a religion of materialism.

But alas, the debate over evolution continues.

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