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Skeptic of Is Evolution a Theory?

Are you skeptical of the Is Evolution A Theory website?  Especially since it seems that all of “science” believes Darwinian Evolution is true.
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If you are skeptical of the message that I am trying to communicate with my question, “is evolution a theory?” then I encourage you to visit the Skeptic website.

I like this website because it is all about “viewing the world with a rational eye”.  Even though I don’t agree with some of Skeptic’s content, I do admire their mission to support science in so many different areas of life.

Is Evolution A Theory engages in the subject of Evolution with a rational eye.  And the rational eye ask, “How can the theory of evolution be true if it is incompatible with so many accepted laws of science?”

Another thing I like about Skeptic is that they engage in an honest debate and look for truth.  The reason Skeptic and Is Evolution A Theory websites are operational is the lack of debate and the dogmatic claims.  It is sad that there is so much name calling and personal attacks on fellow scientist with different view rather than pursuing truth.  We saw this centuries ago and now today in the areas of evolution and global warming.

Truth is difficult to find at times because of the complexity of clear and competing facts.  At other times it is caused by the different interpretation of very clear facts.  I like Skeptic because they attempt to present the facts to clarify the issues and come to a rational truth claim.

Is Evolution A Theory comes to a rational truth claim about evolution based on science and undisputed scientific laws.

I hope you like Is Evolution A Theory because it is scientific-based  rather than religion, speculation, personal gain, or old black box science based.


Go Skeptics!


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