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The Mass of the Milky Way Has Been Determined

Have you ever wondered, like I have, how much mass is in the Milky Way and where it came from?  Well, for your information, the enormous figure (7x10E11) was reached by Gwendolyn Eadie, a PhD researcher at McMaster University and recently presented to Astrophysical Journal and the Canadian Astronomical Society.

milky way sky road

“In order to work out a figure, Ms Eadie had to tally up approximate values for all of the stars, planets, moons and other visible objects in the galaxy – as well as the stuff we can’t always see, like dust and even dark matter.” (as reported in Daily Mail).

All of this sounds reasonable and logical.  No problem.  But what I want to know is where did this mass come from?  How did it come into existence?  If evolution is a theory, it has to answer these “begining” questions.  Right?  So, is evolution a theory?

Basically, evolutionists hypothesize that the universe came into existence out of nothing.  However, the fact is that scientific laws are violated by this  hypothesis.  Why?  Well, there are some laws of science that say 1) energy cannot create itself, 2) matter cannot create itself, and 3) something and nothing cannot be at the same place and time.   Did the universe (mass and energy) create itself or are the conservation laws and the law of non-contradiction correct?  Which is it?  Can they contradict themselves and both be correct?

Back to the question, is evolution a theory?  Did all of the mass that Dr. Eadie  found, as reported by Daily Mail create itself?  Do you see how the laws of science reveal that evolution is not true?  If you are intellectually honest, you can see that the theory of evolution is not compatible with the laws of science. Therefore, one has to be incorrect.

Which is incorrect: the many laws of science OR the theory of evolution?

Read more in the Daily Mail article here.

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