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Thousands of Massive Black Holes Found

I caught a science article on CNet that I found interesting.  NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory released images of an area of about the size of the moon that show thousands of black holes.  According to this study, presented at the American Astronomical Society “A patch of sky the size of the full moon at this concentration would contain 5,000 black holes.”  Can you imagine that many black holes?

mutan duck

That is not all.    According to this study, “They also found that the “seeds” for these black holes are extremely massive, coming in at 10,000 to 100,000 times the mass of the sun.”

The study said that,”The entire sky would hold a billion” black holes.

Is Evolution A Theory?  Let’s look at the science.  Remember that biological evolution has its roots in the Big Bang, right?  This being that everything evolved from a point of singularity in a great expansion or big bang, right?

Now lets do the math.  According to this NASA article, billions of black holes at 10,000 (at least) times the mass of the sun. That is a lot of mass.

According to UCSB Science Line (University of California at Santa Barbara)  there are about one trillion billion stars in the universe.  Go here to read the article.  UCSB backs up its number from NASA’s article found here.   That is a lot of stars.

And how about the mass of each star?  According to Universe Today a star needs to be 50% of the mass of our sun before it can really get going and even then, it’s light is not white but red.  So, how many pounds or kilos is that?

Well turns out that mass of stars are described by astronomers in units of stellar mass.  Furthermore, according to Ask An Astronomer (Cornell University), it is easy to get all of the information you want about a star.

So, Is Evolution A Theory?  Well this article on the thousands of black holes in the universe and the mass that they contain got me thinking about the mass of the universe.  The black holes added to the 10 to the 21 power of stars added to the planets and then the cosmic dust made me start thinking about how massive the universe is.


So my question is something like, “where did all of this mass come from?”  This is a lot of mass!!

In asking Is Evolution A Theory, I have some scientific laws and logic to weight in (pun) on this question:

  • Using the Law of Conservation of Matter, mass (the massive universe) can not just appear.
  • Using rational logic “nothing” cannot  create something this massive (or at all).
  • Using rational logic, this massive universe cannot create itself.
  • Using the Law of Non-Contradiction, “nothing” cannot be “something” at the same time and place.
  • Using the Law of Causality, a cause has to be bigger than its effect (ie. the mud on a frog jumping is your swimming pool is not going to muddy your pool.)

Think about it.  What caused this enormously massive universe with all of its stars, planets, black holes?

Evolution and its big bang fails when it is face to face with the Laws of Science.  Evolution fails when it is face to face with rational and logic principles of Philosophy.

When you think about evolution, look at the Science and it Laws.

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