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Catholic School Boys – Social Media Post Slander Rather Than Investigates Truth

I found the story surrounding the Catholic school boys deplorable.  We found the social media rushing to judgement and even encouraging mobs to condemn the boy’s actions.  As USA Today summed up the media’s response in their article written by Daniel Payne click here,  “that the boys had targeted, mobbed and harassed the Native American man as part of some hateful display of racism and white supremacy”.

From Hollywood to Washington DC, comedians to Senators rush to judge in public statements and on social media without concern about the truth.  Assuming the worse, the uninformed people who demand tolerance lack tolerance and facts.

The people who defend themselves with statements like, “who are you to judge me”, join the mob with nasty, hateful words.  They claim the boys approached Mr. Phillips, the Native American, when the truth stated in The New Your Times article by Mervosh and Rueb (click here) is “I stepped in between to pray.”

Just as so many people refuse to wait and hear truth in the Catholic school boys’ situation, so it is with is evolution a theory.

Is evolution a theory?  No, it can’t be by definition.  The theory of evolution is a failed hypothesis.  Many people, social media, and evolution academic experts do not want to hear the truth.  The truth is this:

  1. All Laws and Theories of Nature must be compatible.
  2. The theory of evolution is incompatible with many Laws of Nature.
  3. Therefore, the theory of evolution is false.

Is it any easier than this?

Explore Is Evolution A Theory and read about the incompatible differences between the theory of evolution and the Laws of Nature

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