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Jussie Smollett Bios and Prejudice

Who has not heard of the Jussie Smollett accusations that he was attached by a group of conservative thugs?  Below is a copy of the Senetor from California, Kamala Harris’s tweet:

It is noteworthy to point out that the tweet (and many others) is accusatory and before any facts were confirmed or documented.  Can one get much more bias than this?

Here is a quote from her tweet:  “This was an attempted modern-day lynching. …  We must confront this hate.” writes Sen Kamala Harris, a democrat from California and a presidential candidate.

It is unfortunate that our Senator from California is so quick to judge with little to no factual evidence.  Now we find the Jussie Smollett alleged attach is an outright lie.  Click Here to read about the details at Breitbart.com.

While this incident is noteworthy, the underlying issue is the bias and prejudice of our leaders and news media.  We see the bias and prefudice here in the Jessie Smollett incident and in the evolution vs. creation debate.

Is evolution a theory?  We see very few scientists address the fact that the theory of evolution is flawed with false assumptions, lack of scientific testing, and is incompatible with many Laws of Nature.  The reason is basically fear of job loss and slandered reputation.

Two examples of Oregon State University and other promote bastion of academic freedom, diversity and tolerance are as follows:

  • Oregon State University chemistry professor Nicholas Drapela was fired without warning three weeks ago and has still been given no reason for the university’s decision to “not renew his contract.”  Click Here to read the article by Fox New.
  • One of the nicest reviews of Michael Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box is given by the National Center for Science Education (CSE). Click Here to read the article by CSE.  Below is a quote from that review:

“But ultimately, the careful reader will recognize this book for what it truly is – an argument against evolution that concedes nearly all the contested ground to Darwin’s edifice, and then ends up teetering on little more than rhetoric and personal skepticism.”

But really in all fairness, is evolution a theory ask, “Was our political and scientific bias much different in the past?”.  Copernicus and Galileo faced the same resistance to observable facts as do many scientist today.   The bastion of academic freedom, diversity and tolerance is alive and well by our political and scientific leaders here and today on planet Earth.


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