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The Planets and Beyond – Amazing

This Saturday I watched one of Science Channel’s shows called “The Planets and Beyond’  “Alien Planets: Cosmic Nightmares”, S2 E2.

This episode of the “The Planets and Beyond” was first aired 3/27/2018.

In this one, Astronaut Mike Massismino uncovers the violent secrets of the most deadly planets outside the solar system.

There are all kinds of Alien Planets in space.

  • A rock planet that is extreme heat on the sunny side and cold on the shady side.
  • A planet that has windy rocks flying around in the dust storms.
  • A planet from hell where 4700-degree lava boils and rocks rain for the sky.
  • A frozen planet where it is savage cold and hundreds of degrees below zero.
  • (Just to name a few of the planets that were mentioned.)

It was interesting how astronomers find these planets.  They are looking at stars and find the planets when black dot passes between the orbiting telescope and a star they are observing.  The black dots are the planets blocking the star light.

They find many extreme planets.  Some they call hot Jupiters and others they call small orphan planets (these have gotten kicked out of an orbit and are now dark, frozen, and lonely.

I could not help it.  I wanted to watch another episode;  Ends of the Solar System: Strange Frontiers.   This episode explored the dark and mysterious frontiers of the solar system.  While it was a great documentary, there is too much to write about in this one hour episode.

I find these shows very fascinating because they are looking at the vastness of the universe and how the universe evolved.  They are looking at stellar evolution which I write about; Day 3 – Stellar Evolution.  Here is the question…  Is evolution a theory?

We know that evolution consist of 6 specific forms of evolution; see the Days of Evolution.   Think about this on your own.  Do a little critical thinking.  How could billions of stars, trillions of planets, uncountable comets all come from nothing?  And so organized, in such a vast expanse of space?

If you really think stellar evolution is true, and with all due respect, I don’t think you understand Physics and what it takes to get all of this matter moving and organized.  Nor do you understand thermodynamics and the energy it takes to fire up all of the stars.  Nor do you understand logic and reasoning on how this enormous amount of mass could come into existence out of thin nothingness.

Watch the shows again with a questioning mind.  Think about how amazing and vast the universe is in all of its energy, mass, and space.

Is Evolution A Theory?  Stellar evolution is not compatible with the Laws of Nature.  Evolution cannot be a theory because both cannot be right.


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