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How Do We Know that Evolution Is Really Happening?

To understand this post you need to go to the BBC article How Do We Know that Evolution Is Really Happening?  (Click Here) by Chris Baraniuk.

The article starts off saying, “For scientists, evolution is a fact.”   Then it says, “Most of us have the general idea: species change over time, only the fittest survive, and somehow a monkey-like creature gave rise to human beings.

Truthfully, Mr. Baraniuk writes an excellent summary of evolution here, “Given enough time, these changes mount up and lead to the appearance of new species and new types of organism, one small change at a time. Step by step, worms became fish, fish came onto land and developed four legs, those four-legged animals grew hair and – eventually – some of them started walking around on two legs, called themselves “humans” and discovered evolution.

Well, Mr Baraniuk is correct in that this is what evolutionist say.  But where are the facts?  Where are the examples?  As a Wendy’s commercial might say, “show us the beef.”

To demonstrate evolution, the article tells us, “For generations, farmers and gardeners have purposefully bred animals to be bigger or stronger, and plants to yield more crops.”  The article goes on to discuss breeding chickens for higher egg production, which is total correct.

But does that make new species?  Mr Baraniuk answers this question with this, “Still, it’s quite a step from carefully breeding chickens that lay more eggs to the natural evolution of new species.”  Yes indeed.

The article goes on to discuss bird adaptation, bacteria adaptation, and fossil documentation.  Some of the article discussed the differences between Darwin’s and Lamarck’s theory on how would say that a land base animal adapting into a long neck giraffe.

Human adaptation are discussed at the end of this long article.

Is Evolution a Theory?  Is it a fact?  At the beginning of the article, the author writes the following bold statement as if it is a fact:  “Given enough time, these changes mount up and lead to the appearance of new species and new types of organism, one small change at a time. Step by step, worms became fish, fish came onto land and developed four legs, those four-legged animals grew hair and – eventually – some of them started walking around on two legs, called themselves “humans” and discovered evolution.

Is Evolution a Theory?  Is evolution fact?  The fact is that the article clearly demonstrates adaptation and then assumes new species come out of that.  The article does not answer the question of its title: “How Do We Know that Evolution Is Really Happening

While it clearly demonstrates adaptation over the generations, it does not give us any evidence of new species.  One could write a book on adaptation over the centuries of nature and man performing genetic engineering to get the most productive crop, most varied animal, or the biggest offspring.

But the fact remains that creating a new species (fish coming onto land, development of 4 legs, growing hair, becoming warm bodies, etc.) takes much more complexity than natural selection or any other evolutionary system can provide.





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