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2020 race moves to New Hampshire as Iowa keeps counting.

Yesterday we posted a blog story on the Iowa caucus. Today Eric Bradner, with CNN, updated his story entitled “2020 race moves to New Hampshire as Iowa keeps counting” at 6:23 PM ET on Wednesday 2/5/2020.

Bradner writes the following:

But in Iowa, they’re still counting, after technical issues with the app used to report results led to a complete breakdown on caucus night.”

So, here it is days later and Iowa has not reported nor can they report the results of their Democratic convention (caucus).

Is Evolution A Theory has the same question. If humans with intelligence, purpose, and nearly unlimited resource, can not create an workable application, how can undirected, random, process with 50/50 chance of success, grow and improve life over millions of years and thousands of species?

How can a cell that splits to reproduce decide to reproduce differently?

How can a cell that emerged into life from a primordial soup transition into 200 different cells that have 20 different purposes such as skin, organs, blood, veins, etc.?

What motivated the cells to change? What force created the changes?
Why would the cells reproduce? What would the first cells eat to live?

If the Democrats can’t make an election caucus happen, how could rocks, sand and miscellaneous inorganic elements create life?

Think about it, really quite amazing. I would say that evolution is magic, except their is no magician, hat, or rabbit. Is Evolution A Theory? Sure, only if you believe in magic.

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