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Evolution and Voting – Both are Nightmares

What does the theory of evolution have to do with voting?

The Wall Street Journal had an Opinion piece entitled “A Vote-by-Mail Nightmare” by the WSJ Editorial Board. In their opinion, based on historical observation from past mail in ballots, the coming 2020 voting will have many things go wrong.

Vote by mail ballot.

With all of the added vote by mail ballots needed from fearful voters, there is concern about this 2020 election. Among first-time voters, 3.1% of ballots were thrown out because something is wrong with them. And in a pandemic, it’s worth keeping in mind what can go wrong with vote by mail.

State election officials are struggling to keep up with the deluge. The presidential race is tight, with Donald Trump or Joe Biden (pick your poison) leading nationally by 500,000, similar to the popular vote in 2000. But something like a million mail-in ballots have been thrown out.

So here is a question from Is Evolution A Theory. If state officials can not get the “mail in ballots correct” system working how do you think a more complex system could “evolve” into a working system?

Voting Machines

Consider two systems:

  • One is the “mail in” system. It has purpose and intelligence creating it. It ask intelligent humans who can read to function and do their voting task.
  • The other system is, according to evolutionist, the “evolution” mechanism that has no intelligence to organized and improve its existing life system into a new or revised life system.

Just think about these two systems. The voting that will go wrong because we cannot get everything coordinated and clear for whatever reason you may see. Think about all of the things in your life that fail to work as you planned. Things that go wrong with all of your human effort to make them go right.

This blog is about this very issue. Voting officials are very concerned about all of the things that WILL go wrong; asking if mail in voting is going to mess up the election results.

Now ask yourself, if humans have such a hard time with all of their planning on something as simple as mail in voting, how could an un-directed life form/system operate without flaw? How could a more complex than “voting by mail” life form create, organize and perfect all of its life forces to successfully create life as we find it here on earth?

Is Evolution A Theory? Yes but, only if you believe in the vote by mail fairy and the elections (local, state, and presidential) all turning out fair and without claims of fraud.

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