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Understanding mRNA Leads to Understanding the Law of Information

Do you want to know is evolution a theory that you can rely on? To find out, lets look at the COVID-19 vaccine and what the US Government, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says about the vaccine and how it works.

DNA is specific for each living organism and cannot be changed by the environment.

Referring to the article entitled, “Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines” from CDC.gov one can read the following three statements:

  • The statement at the 2nd bullet: “mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.
  • And point number 3 in this article says:At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection.
  • And another bullet in this article says: “The cell breaks down and gets rid of the mRNA soon after it is finished using the instructions.

Look at the three bold and underlined words above. Do you notice anything? At the end of the day this “vaccine” gives the cells of your body’s immune system information so it can do something. The vaccine “teaches” or “instructions” in a way that your body “learns”.

The Law of Information goes something like this: “Information can only be created by an intelligent agent with purpose and intent.” 

Your body, just like every living organism, cannot just create information. For a new species to “evolve” it must get new outside information or instructions like this vaccine is giving your immune system new instructions. As you know, DNA is a system of instruction that tells your body, or any organism, how to develop.

There is no biological mechanism to change the DNA instructions from being a dinosaur to begin being a bird. And from the above reference article, your body, imune system and DNA all need outside instructions to change anything.

Is Evolution A Theory? It cannot be a theory because the theory of evolution is not compatible with the Law of Information. Both cannot be correct; one is in error because there is a basic conflict between them.

Go to our Start Here page and begin examining the scientific evidence on why the theory of evolution is failed.

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