Scientist are brilliant and highly educated people. Generally, they dedicate their lives to finding truth by finding Laws of Nature. This means breaking reality down into the most fundamental pieces to understand how these pieces and the whole operate.
For example, scientist have examined matter to find it is made up of molecules, then atoms, then protons, neutrons, and electrons, and now pure energy called quarks. These brilliant minds have identified more fundamental pieces. These and other discoveries are the greatest achievement of mankind. Comprehending the details of the universe, from quark to black holes qualifies scientist for special recognition in our society.
Understanding the assembly of these meaningless and purposeless pieces gives scientist the authority to define the Laws of Nature.
Unfortunately, scientist seldom use the words, “I don’t know”. They speculate with could be occurring ignoring the laws of nature with what an engineer would consider as magic.
Engineers appreciate scientist breaking things down into fundamental pieces. However, the universe operates as an amazingly complex system. Engineers are trained to design systems and therefore are capable of understanding complex functions.
Life can only be appreciate by understanding the design of reality as a system and its logically based rules (laws of nature). Engineers appreciate the unbelievably complex programs stored in DNA molecules because they understand software controlled systems and programs that run their businesses. Most will agree that information in their programs, like DNA information in life forms, does not occur by chance but only achieved by conscious and intelligent minds creating that information. (See the Law of Information.)
Engineers are uniquely capable of understanding the amazing complexity of the most elegant and sophisticated designs and reality. This is why this site was constructed by an engineer (me). To answer the question, Is Evolution A Theory?