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405. Day 5 – Vertical Evolution

On the Fifth day of Evolution, species expanded up the tree of evolution to our present time with mankind being the top of the organic chain.


Is Evolution A Theory?

How did the DNA information system upgrade for each species?

What is the mechanism that makes one species transition into another?

Does Naturalistic Evolution reveal the mechanism or the creative power to explain the innovation in the biological world?


  • Theory of Evolution
  • Laws of Nature
  • Life is fundamentally built upon information.
  • Information forms the chemical blueprint for all living organisms
  • Information governs the assembly, structure, and function at fundamentally all levels of living cells.
  • All theories must be compatible with each other.

Theory of Evolution Position:

BBC has an article entitled, “How do we know evolution is really happening?

Vertical evolution begins on day 5, after living cell came from non-living elements, minerals, and chemicals.  The evolution process that occurs in Day 5 goes something like this:

  • Single cells to Invertebrates
  • Invertebrates to Fish
  • Fish to Amphibians
  • Amphibians to Reptiles
  • Reptiles to Birds
  • Reptiles to Mammals
  • Land Mammals to Sea Mammals
  • Non-flying Mammals to Bats
  • Apes to Humans

The Theory of Evolution asserts that the entire undirected, random, by chance processes of natural selection and random mutations is fully capable of producing every living systems that you see; alive and fossilized.

Law of Science Position:

The Law of Biogenesis says that life comes after its own kind.  Specifically, roses can only produce roses.  Whales can only produce whales.

The Law of Information states that information cannot be created, changed from one form to another, or destroyed in a closed information system.  Specifically, DNA information cannot create itself; nor can it change itself.


There are two types of biological evolution:

  1. Speciation – the formation of new and distinct species with innovative bio-systems in the course of evolution.
  2. Adaptation – a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.  (See Day-6 Horizontal Evolution)

This web page is about Speciation or vertical evolution addressing how new species are created in such a way that evolutionist can communicate their theory by their “Tree of Life” illustration.

Physics is focused with all of its effort to identify the cause of an effect  (See Law of Cause and Effect).  Evolutionist claim the cause for vertical evolution or the creation of a new independent species is natural selection.  But science wants to know the specific mechanism so that they can explain and demonstrate how the cause produced the effect.  Taking this a little further, what caused all of the animals seen in the tree of life to spontaneously generate? Or genetically drift into existence?

One word can be used to summarize this: mechanism.

You understand the mechanism of many things that you are interested in.  The mechanism is revealed by asking questions.  How does this work?  Why did this happen?  Why is the sky blue?  Why and how questions.  This is what science tries to answer; the cause of the effect in question.

I ask similar  questions with evolution.  What is the mechanism for evolution.  In other words, what force or event causes a new species to occur?

According to Maricopa Community College’s article entitled, Mechanisms for Evolution,Natural selection is considered the main mechanism that causes populations to evolve. However, there are several other mechanisms of evolution, including mutation, genetic drift, and gene flow.”  According to Georgia Institute of Technology’s article entitled, Other Mechanisms of Evolution, it identifies the mechanisms of evolution in its learning objectives as: “Identify, explain, and recognize the consequences of other mechanisms of evolution (genetic drift, gene flow, non-random mating, and mutation) in terms of fitness, adaptation, average phenotype, and genetic diversity.

If a friend told you that her cat was born from a dog, would you believe her?  Probably not.  What if your friend said, “Oh, yeah, it occurred by way of genetic drift.”  Would you believe that the dog bread a cat?  I hope not.

You and I see the Law of Biogenesis everyday. You know that animals produce offspring of its own kind.

Conflict:  Do you see that the conflict between evolution’s claim that new species with innovative bio-systems cannot just happen? Why?  Because DNA (or the code) that controls the development, function, growth and reproduction cannot create or modify itself.


So, Is Evolution a Theory?  It cannot be a valid theory because it is incompatible with many Laws of Nature.   The Day-1 Theory of Evolution must be discarded.