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Truth and Is Global Warming Really True?

One way to know truth is to rely on authorities.  You relay on me to help you with the truth of the question: “is evolution a theory?

Just like you rely on me, you have an occupation from which you relied on authorities to teach you truth about your profession.  I relied on engineering authorities to teach me truth about engineering.  I relied on Physics authorities to teach me truth about physics.

bear on ice berg

I also realize some of the “truth” I obtained was sometimes “opinion”.   This is why my engineering authorities taught me:  “test it.”

Therefore, when I hear or read some “truth” from an “authority” I generally test it against my own “truth” experiences and previous authorities.  If it seems to fit, I accept it.   If it does not fit, I probe it or flat out reject it.

Again, I am talking about scientific truth not opinion truth.  Just for clarification, here is a truth statement that I have made many times.  “Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream is the best ice cream in the world!”  Is my statement scientific truth or is it opinion truth?  We can measure the ice cream by documenting its presence and the elements that we find in it such as sugar and fat; but, as bad as I hate to admit it, my statement is opinion truth.

Try this statement; is it opinion truth or scientific truth?  “It is hot outside.”  What do you think?   This statement is opinion truth.  I can measure the temperature, humidity, wind speed, temperature change over time and calculate the chill factor.  But still after making this statement, my surveying colleagues tell me, “Harry, it is not hot outside and you are a wimp.”

After hearing their “truth” statement, we are distracted from the temperature and begin discussing the validity of the word “wimp” in their truth statement.

Let us try another statement; is it opinion truth or scientific truth?  “We are experiencing global warming.”  What do you think?  Before you answer this question, have you ever heard the statement: “figures don’t lie, but liars figure”?

My adaptation to the above statement is: “Science does not lie, but liars do science.”  I think this is true in the science surrounding both of these questions:  1) Is Evolution A Theory and 2) Is our globe warming?  This website is all about the truth of Is Evolution A Theory.

As for Global Warming, I want you to go to The Telegraph and read their article entitled The Scandal of Fiddled Global Warming Data.

In this article Christopher Booker reveals more lies and manipulation of temperature records since Steven Goddard exposed it 7-years ago.

There are many reasons why scientists lie about political and religious issues.  The main reason is money.  I find it deplorable because their lies cast shadow over science which 1) our society trust and 2) I hold so dear.

Here is my question to you.  Can you trust me to tell you the truth about: is evolution a theory?  Well, I hope so but I do not ask you to trust me.  I ask you to look around you.  Look into the reality that you see; light bulbs, air conditioner, TV, mobile phone, etc.  Does what I write match what you see, smell, touch and hear?

Back to the question, Is our global warming true?  I don’t know.   Who can I trust to tell me the truth?  All I see is the money behind Carbon Credits and the reports of manipulated temperature data.

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