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Is Evolution A Theory and Your Drunken Accident

Imagine yourself being in a car accident.  There are skid marks and broken glass everywhere.  Both cars are totaled but no one is seriously hurt.  Thanks God, cuts and bruises, no broken bones.  You are thankful to be alive.  As you listen to the other driver who caused the accident, you overhear him tell the investigating police officer that you are drunk and caused the accident.

You feel outraged.  You become fearful.  You are overwhelmed with anxiety.  What are you going to do to defend yourself?  What are you going to say when the officer comes to you to get your side of the story?  Yell?  Call the other driver a liar?

bear on ice berg

The fact is that you really don’t have a thing to worry about.   Why?  Because facts reveal truth.

The other drive may truly believe you were drunk.  He may yell very loudly with his accusations and convincing passion.  He may present a great argument on how he knows you personally and attempt to discredit your character.  He may tell the officers how many witnesses he can produce to verify his claim.

Fear not, truth is revealed by the facts.  But you are still anxious because you know that facts when presented as evidence must be interpreted for a conclusion to be made.  Will the officer interpret the facts correctly and conclude what is true?

Let us look at some facts.  One fact is that the back of your car and the front of the other car is smashed.  Another fact is that there is no trace of alcohol in your blood.  Again, these facts do not and cannot prove anything.  Your age may be a fact but it is not evidence.  These facts are evidence.  Thus the officer eliminates the other driver’s explanation for the car accident because the facts do fit the evidence needed to prove his claim.

What does this have to do with Is Evolution A Theory and do you want to know the truth about evolution?

We can eliminate the evolutionist’s claim that the universe came out of nothing, exploding into existence, by critically examining the facts, theories, and laws of nature in light of evolutionist claims.

Here is one fact that contradicts evolutionist claim:  the Law of Non-Contradiction says that nothing is nothing and nothing cannot be something (or it would be something and not nothing) at the same place in the same manner at the same time.  Claiming that something came out of nothing is illogical and incoherent; violating a law of nature.

Let’s look at the parallel between evolution’s claim and the other driver’s claim: (following the parallel numbers):

Evolutionist’s Claim: 1) Matter and energy exploded into existence (causing an organized universe) 2) 15 billion years ago when 3) there was no matter or energy in the universe.

Is like:

Other Driver’s Claim: 1) You exploded into a drunken stupor (causing the accident) 2) 5 minutes ago when 3) there was no alcohol in your blood.

Do you see the parallel between these two claims?

The question “is evolution a theory?”, the debate on the theory of evolution, and your drunken stupor accident should not about belief.  It should be about a coherent explanation of reality.  The creation and evolution of our universe must be compatible with the laws of nature.

Is Evolution A Theory?  The truth about the theory of evolution is that it fails because a self-creating universe out of nothing is not compatible with reality.  The theory of evolution violates the Law of Non-Contradiction.

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